In celebration of screening an incredible collection of some of our country’s most creative Indigenous talent, both behind and in front of the camera.
Screening: On Tour | Runtime: 98 mins | Classification: under 15 to be w/adult
In the “bright lights, big city of Alice Springs”, two soft sculptures try to impress each other with their dance moves. But it’s an unfortunate accident that finally brings them together as they discover they both have a talent for fixing things. Artwork by the Yarrenyty Arltere Artists, renowned for their beautiful soft sculptures, comes alive in this gentle funny tale of love and connection.
Ari, a young aboriginal woman with 48 hours, a busted up car and a sacred promise she made to her mother, sets off in the dead of night to save her family farm from a greedy enemy…
Keenan hasn’t returned to his Dad’s Country since childhood. Nearly 30 years later, as a father of 3 living in the city, Keenan wants to rebuild his relationship with his Dad, Lydon, and learn more about his culture. Keenan drives 10 hours to spend a week with Lydon in Cundeelee, an Aboriginal mission in Western Australia where Lydon was born and taught how to make traditional artefacts. Here, Lydon will pass this cultural knowledge onto Keenan as they both make a woomera, side by side. As they journey together on Country, Keenan learns more about his Dad, and the Anangu way of life.
A Young Woman slaves to maintain the boundary line fence of a remote cattle station for a brutal Boss Man, until a mysterious captive is brought in, revealing an ancient inner strength to her from the Foremothers of her homelands, giving her the courage to escape the fence that has entrapped her womanhood and spirit since birth – returning back to Herself, on country (Apmere).
Strength and power is relational. In this short film of layered film, voice over, and composition, intergenerational relationships between Aboriginal women, their kinship system and their living connection to Country, practice and power are explored. Jarda Bura, Gurri Bura, Jarda Ngarli, Gurri Ngarli highlights women’s stories of strength, the leadership they draw collectively from their relationships, and the importance of cultural transmission.
Echoes of Dissent attempts to piece together the tragic life story of Anthony Martin Fernando, an Aboriginal man who protested Indigenous rights over a century ago in Europe. By enlisting his father to re-enact Fernando’s famous protests, the film’s director uncovers just how prophetic Fernando’s protests would become.
Kupungarri, a remote community in the North-West of Australia is one of the most natural places left in the world. This small community fosters confidence in their young people through their relationship with Country. Watch the excitement grow as they prepare for one of the biggest events of the year, the annual Mowanjum Festival.
Harry is torn from tending to his bed-ridden mother by his erratic and sticky-fingered father, Bill, who takes him on a wild goose chase to kill a cow for Christmas supper – but they better not get caught.