The second of two sessions of the best International and Australian documentaries in competition.
Screening: Tue 14 Jan, 6.30pm | Running Time: 103 min | Classification: Under 15yrs to be w/adult
Four widow friends in their late 80s meet for coffee. But instead of knitting or grandkids, their conversation is about sexual experiences and expectations, aging bodies and why sex is better now than before. They are open-hearted, bold and humorous.
An anthology on the work of Alice Guy, a French pioneer filmmaker/ first female director in the motion picture industry. Most of the films by this contemporary of the Lumieres and Melies have vanished, along with her name.
The story of the Syrian struggle for freedom as experienced by a 32 year old rebel commander Mowya and a 24 year old female journalist Nour in Aleppo Syria. The film clearly and concisely shows why the Syrian people are fighting for their freedom told through the emotional words of to powerful characters whose lives have been turned upside down and torn apart by war.
Two women, one house. An intimate story about a Pole and a German placed by war on enemy sides and their parallel lives accidentally brought together.
Ngarritj is a little white corella with a big attitude who flies freely around the Yolngu community of Galiwin’ku visiting everyone and speaking the local language.