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  • Revolt

    When a disgruntled climate activist bumps into the CEO of a massive oil conglomerate in her local coffee shop she recognises that this is her big shot to finally DO something about the end of the world.

  • My First Panic

    On her way home from a night of hedonistic partying, Ruby, an anxious young woman, experiences her first ever panic attack.

  • Oh Be Joyful

    Rita is about to kick the bucket, but before she does she’s got one final job to do: drag her granddaughter out of the closet.


  • Flying In Circles

    A teenage boy struggles to deal with the restrictions of adult life. Escaping to the world of his imagination, he realises that everyone is flying in a never ending circle. In time he rediscovers the joy and freedom of childhood.

1st December 2013

Celebrity Shorts 2014

…A collection of short films starring some of the world’s biggest names including Jim Broadbent, Helena Bonham Carter, Gérard Depardieu, Danny DeVito, Sally Hawkins, Tom Jones, Ben Kingsley, Jason Schwartzman and the voices of George Takei, Hugh Bonneville and Andy Serkis….

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  • On Hold

    A short film-musical about the choice between following your dreams, and making next week’s rent.

3rd December 2013

Official Flickerfest 2014 Launch

…ic Juices and Charlie’s Water. Guests were treated to the unveiling of the world premiere of short film ‘Vote Yes’, written and directed by Nick Waterman and produced by Melissa Beauford. The film is set in 1967 during Australia’s referendum on Aboriginal rights and stars Mirrah Foulkes and Miranda Tapsell as two women unite as a family come to terms with the prospect of change. A wonderfully powerful, moving and surprisingly uplifting film, Vote…

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  • Shelter

    When a lonely man stumbles across a young woman in search of sanctuary they must come together and seek a way out – in a world where salvation comes at a high price. Starring award-winning Australian actor Geoff Morrell.

  • No Budget

    Hugo Weaving and David Wenham try to muscle in as two cineastes debate the best way to take on the world of low budget film making.

  • Miniyamba

    Like thousands of people around the world who everyday leave their homeland, Abdu, a young Malian, has decided to reach Europe. A trip to the Niger River to the barbed wire of the Ceuta, where dreams are confronted with the harsh reality, the distant lights of the West…