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  • The Butcher’s Son

    The Butcher’s Son is a story of the aspirations of proud parents at odds with their son’s ambitions. The resulting conflict threatens to tear them apart. How do you tell your family that you are not who they want you to be? How does a young man fulfil his parents’ expectations but still stay truthful to himself?


  • Woof!

    A humiliating sexual experience causes a 16 year old girl to start an unusual revolution.


  • Harvey’s Dream

    As Janet makes breakfast on a Saturday morning seemingly like any other, Harvey slumps into a chair and begins to tell his wife about his nightmare. Fear begins to take hold when Janet notices the tiny details of Harvey’s dream eerily bleed through into the real world around her.


  • Ari

    Ari, overweight and introverted he longs to belong. Spurred on by his feeling for classmate Jess, he attempts to lose weight and become more outspoken. Realising his quest to become someone else, Ari makes a public declaration of self-acceptance – and finds that he and his way of being are of surprisingly value.


  • How to Get Clean

    Gwen’s dead. Her cleaner has arrived to clean and her son has come home to mourn. Their paths intersect in a small bathroom where they both come to terms with what’s happened in their own way.


  • Waiting for Rain

    Running from the turmoil of a tragic accident a young woman finds herself lost in the Australian Outback. What seems like another kind of hell soon becomes her saving grace…


  • The Driver

    A lonely train driver must confront his traumatic past on his first day back on the job.


  • My Mother’s Letter

    When Emma receives a letter from ‘Frances’, the heartfelt revelations within are too adult for her to properly understand. Especially when Teddy needs medical attention.


  • The Race

    Condemned to grow, never satisfied, humanity accelerates and rushes into a slow and limited world. What if this headlong rush was not the fruit of our free will, but the result of mechanical forces ruling the universe?

  • Hobart

    A boy, a flying pig and a hunter fly through the mysterious world of the clouds with unexpected happenings.