The finalists short films in our National Schools competition for Primary & Secondary School students or Filmmakers under Eighteen Years of age.
Screening: Sat 20 Jan, 2pm | Duration: 104 min | Classification: Open all ages
Is a person really connected when using their mobile phone?
A student receives a remote control that allows her to make everyone she meets disappear.
A year four class looks at the traditional lifestyle of Australia’s First People.
Isabelle has waved to the man upstairs everyday since she was little. She collects the little wooden animals he makes for her, even after he dies.
Nothing goes to plan as a man tries to steal his victim’s handbag, as they walk the city streets in the dark.
A short comedy film that takes the crime-thriller genre and turns it on its head.
A young man signs up for a trial drug test, a drug that allows you to go back in time.
A social comment about our modern society, and how, as people living in this new technological era, we are forever being controlled by the media, trapped in a supervisory society not unlike famous philosopher Jeremy Bentham’s panopticon.
A robot chases his work to the end of the earth in an attempt to hand it in on time.
A man with Alzheimer’s refers to himself as King Jack.
A boy rides up to the shops on his bike, but along the way, tragedy strikes. Armed with a second chance, can he make things right?
‘Sina And The Eel’ is a paper cut animated film which explains the origins of the first coconut tree in Samoan mythology.
A troubled boy goes to school, surrounded by the blinded, and must decide whether to be a victim or a hero.
A dark, surrealistic, non-linear animation with a humorous undertone.
A short film about an average guy gaining the ability to fly, through a new app, in hopes of getting to work faster and winning a bet with his work colleague.
A Gun Overload outlines the complexity of the gun issue around the world.
A filmmaker/surfer’s connection to the Aboriginal community of Wreck Bay.
A writer struggles to pin down his narrative and so his fledgling characters struggle to cross the threshold between imagination and the solid world of the story.
When two street magicians turn up to perform at the same park, they must use their magical abilities to win over the audience.
Is Angelica lost or is her mother?, or her mother’s phone?
A film that explores the relationship between man and technology…told from the perspective of a phone.