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Search Results: — ?????? ???????? — ?????? ???????? «-??????-????????-» ????? ?????? ???????? ?? 2021-2022 ???.

  • The Rise

    A pre-apocalyptic sci-fi drama that explores the climate crisis from the perspective of young Jonah as he navigates an unknown future where a sudden climate event threatens his whole world. The Rise is a modern day myth that speaks to the existential angst of our times and explores how the threat of environmental collapse weighs on the shoulders of our young people.

  • Tribe

    Tribe ‘The thing that bonds us are what we do together’.
    Travelling along the railway to meet friends only to be confronted by others, ‘the tightrope of youth and surviving and thriving’. A showcase of local youth and exposé of their Circus skills.

  • No Matter What

    One Vision Productions unites with South Lismore Public School to highlight their plights through the floods, and how they rose up together… No matter what!

  • Scripted

    In conjunction with Flickerfest, One Vision Productions brings it’s Spring Holiday Youth Program, highlighting the youth’s most critical current issue, and their transcendence beyond their recent troubled time.

  • Yannis

    Yannis, a first-generation Lebanese/Greek Australia, older teenager, has been rejected by his family for being gay. Now living under a bridge, he’s working the local beats as a sex worker. Omar, his best friend, once in the same situation, is now determined to better his life and begins to pull away.

  • Wirnitj

    Based on the real-life experiences of Noongar Elder Aden Eades, Wirintj, retells the supernatural phenomena of stones raining from the sky. Teenager Aden and his Whadjella best friend Steven are working the camp when the arrival of mysterious and beautiful Joyce marks the beginning of extraordinary events.


    An intimate evening between a film director and an escort is disrupted when a familiar face arrives.

  • Bunker: The Last Fleet

    The year is 2057. For six years the extra-terrestrial invaders have occupied our world. The harvest of humankind has begun. When they arrived, everything was lost. For Tjarra and Reo, hope, it seems, is hard to find in the midst of a storm.

  • Katele (Mudskipper)

    Martha, a Torres Strait Islander woman works tirelessly in a laundromat loading machines and folding washing, ready for the collection of her boss. When a mysterious visitor arrives, Martha is reminded of the life she has left behind.

  • Eva And Ramona

    Eva and Ramona met in 1971 as ten-year olds in the former GDR> they formed a lifelong friendship across the border between East and West, until their friendship was banned by Stasi. Despite their strong bond, there are unresolved issues between them, Eva invites Ramona to Sweden to resolve the past.